Having a plan to pay for college is an important part of your journey. Our primary advice is to apply for the FAFSA, and to apply for scholarships, both internal to BSU, and external.
Below are some other opportunities to research. Some may not apply to your situation, but they are all worth considering. Email financialaid@garfie1d.com or call 218-755-2034 with questions.
Type of Funding | How to Get It |
Alliss Scholarship Available to students with financial need who are attending Minnesota State colleges, enrolled in A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.F.A., diplomas, certificates. Also MnTC courses designed to transfer to baccalaureate programs. |
Selection varies by campus. Contact the BSU Financial Aid office. |
MN Child Care Grant Undergraduate and graduate students who are Minnesota residents, meet income guidelines, and have out of pocket child care expenses are considered for this grant. The student must have a dependent child 12 years of age or younger or a dependent child with a disability 14 year or younger who will be receiving care regularly. Eligibility is restricted to those students who are not receiving Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) benefits. Maximum award is $6,500 prorated for EFC range and enrollment level, for each eligible child per nine-month academic year. |
Student and child care provider must complete an application to apply. Click to download the application here. Contact the BSU Financial Aid Office with any questions. |
MN Dislocated Worker Program (DWP) Were you part of a large layoff? Or was your company downsized? You may be eligible for career development, job search, and other services. Financial support may be available to those who have lost a job due to layoffs or downsizing and pandemic response. DWP offers free services which are tailored to individual’s specific needs. |
You may qualify for this program if you are: out of work through no fault of your own eligible for Unemployment Insurance unlikely to return to your previous occupation or industry. Contact CareerForce to see if you qualify for DWP. |
MN Family Resiliency Partnership (MFRP) Federally known as Displaced Homemaker Program (DHP). Helps people who have worked mainly in the home to develop marketable skills needed to find and maintain a job. |
You may qualify for this program if: have provided unpaid household services for at least two years have lost your primary source of income and now find that you must support yourself and your family. Contact MN Family Resiliency Partnership (MFRP) to apply. |
MN State Education Grant Allows students from low- and moderate-income families to pay for educational expenses at eligible Minnesota colleges or universities. Grant is for credit-based programs only. Average award is approximately $2,603. |
Email info.ohe@state.mn.us with questions. |
MN State Workforce Development Scholarship Funding for a one-year scholarship up to $2,500 at Bemidji State. Scholarship is for credit-based programs only. Must be accepted into a high-demand field:
General requirements:
Pathways to Prosperity Competitive grant program and services designed to provide workforce development and training opportunities to economically disadvantaged adults that will help them develop increased career awareness; acquire basic skills education; participate in skills-training programs; and place into employment in high growth, high demand industries with long-term employment opportunities. |
You may qualify if you identify as any one of these:
Contact CareerForce to see if you qualify. |
PELL Grant The Federal Pell Grant is usually awarded to students whose families have a total income of up to $50,000. |
You may qualify:
Complete the FAFSA to determine eligibility. |
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training Program Supplemental funding program to assist Minnesotans with low incomes in developing pathways to marketable and in-demand skills, leading to career advancement and self-sufficiency, contributing to an inclusive and diverse workforce. |
If you receive SNAP benefits, you may qualify for education assistance. Contact a CareerForce specialist and find SNAP training providers. |
Veteran and Military Benefits The federal VA education benefits help Veterans, service members, and their qualified family members with needs like paying college tuition, finding the right school or training program, and getting career counseling. In addition, if you have a service-connected disability that limits your ability to work or prevents you from working, Veteran Readiness and Employment can help. VR&E can helps with learning new skills, finding a new job, starting a business, getting educational counseling, or returning to your former job. |
If you’re an active-duty service member or Veteran, a member of the National Guard or Reserves, or a qualified survivor or dependent, contact CareerForce Veterans Resources to find your options for education, training and job search assistance. |
Vocational Rehabilitation If you have a disability that makes it hard for you to get and keep a job, you may be eligible for a variety of counseling, training, job skills and job placement services. Financial assistance can include tuition, fees, books, supplies, tools and equipment for training. |
Provide your job counselor medical reports assessing your ability to:
Contact CareerForce to see if you qualify. |
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) A federal program that gives workers the chance to learn the skills and knowledge needed to compete in the new economy. Under WIOA, training programs are certified as meeting certain standards. |
Eligible Minnesotans can use federal WIOA funds to pay for training programs that are WIOA certified. WIOA certified training programs include apprenticeship programs. Contact CareerForce to see if you qualify for WIOA training. |